Here's Where Everyone Ends Up on Revenge

Time to shed a tear for Revenge, as ABC's soapy drama has aired its final episode. Did Emily/Amanda finally get her revenge? What will Nolan do with the rest of his life? These questions — and more! — are actually answered in the finale, even though the decision to cancel Revenge came after the show wrapped season four. That means there was no time for writers to scramble to wrap up the series, yet the final episode ties up so many stories. If you happened to catch the episode's juicy teaser, you know Emily has a confrontation with Victoria. What happens? Read on to find out their fate, plus where the other main characters end up.



Emily/Amanda escapes from prison and finds Victoria, with a little tip-off from Louise. Right as she's about to pull the trigger on Victoria, David shoots her instead. Before Victoria draws her last breath, she picks up the gun and shoots Emily/Amanda.



Emily/Amanda survives (more on that later), and David rightly takes the fall for killing Victoria. In a flash-forward, he is freed from prison on compassionate release and dies on the porch swing with Emily/Amanda. His last words are that he'll love her "infinity times," and he dies before he can utter the last "infinity."



Now that the whole revenge plot has been wrapped up, what is there for Nolan to do? Emily takes care of her old pal, and he's approached by a man asking him to help prove his mother's innocence.



Charlotte doesn't play a huge part in the finale, but we do see her as a bridesmaid in Emily and Jack's wedding. Guess she's mended fences with Emily/Amanda!

Jack and Emily/Amanda

Jack and Emily/Amanda

Emily/Amanda survives being shot by Victoria. It's possible doctors transplanted Victoria's heart into her chest, but that also may be just a bad dream Emily/Amanda has. She reconciles with Jack just in time for him to be stabbed by White Gold. He lives and asks David for Emily/Amanda's hand in marriage. (This is when David is still alive, obviously.) They get married, Emily/Amanda gives Jack a puppy that looks just like his old dog, Sammy, and the two plan to set sail across the world.