If You Think I'm Gonna Spend All My Money on These Golden Girl Chia Pets, You're So Right

Always Fits
Always Fits

Have you ever been in the middle of updating your home decor and thought to yourself, "Wow, a Golden Girls-shaped Chia Pet would really go awf in this room"? No? Me neither, but now that I know such a thing actually exists, I don't disagree with the statement. Novelty gift site Always Fits is currently selling the decorative planters that are all shaped like your favorite group of gal pals from Miami, The Golden Girls: Dorothy, Blanche, Rose, and Sophia.

The Chia Pets are each sold separately, though it'd probably be best to buy the whole set at once to really bring your window sill to life. According to an official product description, the plants can fully grow within one to two weeks, and each box comes with three packets of chia seeds, a plastic dip tray, and care instructions. Read ahead to see them and shop!