5 Things You Can Expect From True Blood's Final Episodes
Hold onto your fangs, True Blood fans, because there are only four episodes of the series left before we have to say goodbye to Bon Temps forever. There's sure to be a lot packed into those remaining episodes — and plenty of loose ends to tie up, but we do know a few things about what will go down. Here are five things you can expect to see!
Hoyt Will Be Back in Bon Temps
As we saw in the teaser for the show's remaining episodes, Hoyt will be making a return (likely for his mother's funeral). But can he and Jessica rekindle their romance with his memory wiped? If she and Jason can't make it work, I'd support it.
Arlene Is Going Full Fang Banger
We've already seen Arlene's serious flirtation with hot vampire Keith, and Carrie Preston confirmed that there is some sexy time in store. At Comic-Con, she said: "I don’t think you introduce a hot vampire on True Blood without doing something with him. I think this season I've arrived on True Blood because I had a vampire exploding in my crotch and there's some stuff coming up with Arlene and Keith that I’ve never had to do on camera before."
Sarah Newlin Is Going to Get Hers
At Comic-Con, Anna Camp teased that her character, Sarah, is definitely going to get what's coming to her, saying "I thought my head was gonna get blown off [last season] and I thought I kinda deserved it . . . but I think I get what I deserve." A True Blood writer added that Camp's real-life boyfriend, Skylar Astin, was a bit concerned when he watched her final scene. Brian Buckner said: "I had to explain it to her boyfriend when he came on set, saying, 'she deserves this!'"
I'm thinking the fact that her blood now contains the antidote is a recipe for a lot of infected vampires wanting to rip her apart.
We Haven't Seen the Last of Tara
Tara continues to haunt (?) her mother (and now Lafayette), and at Comic-Con, the cast made it clear that she will continue to appear in the final episodes. Whether or not she actually comes back to life is another story.
Prepare For More Bill and Sookie
Brian Buckner all but confirmed that that final episodes will be all about Bill and Sookie, saying, "At the end of the day, it’s a TV show, and this show started out and worked because of their chemistry. It all comes back to Bill and Sookie."
No big surprise here, but hopefully there's some good Sookie and Eric stuff too!